After graduation, students will have sufficient competence and practical knowledge to meet and excel in employment opportunities at leading companies
Opportunities for Development after Training
After graduating from school, students have the competence and practical knowledge to work in various fields and professions such as:
- Designing and producing print media communication products – advertising.
- Designing and producing audiovisual media communication products (radio, television).
- Companies and organizations specializing in the field of communication, such as advertising agencies.
With their training, graduates are equipped with the necessary skills and expertise to excel in these areas. They can apply their knowledge in designing visually appealing and effective advertising materials, creating engaging audiovisual content for broadcasting, and contributing to the success of communication-focused companies and organizations. The opportunities for development in these fields are vast, allowing graduates to grow professionally and make a meaningful impact in the industry.

Training level:

Forms of training:

Subjects of enrollment:
Graduated from Junior High School and equivalent or higher

Duration of training:
2 years
(4 semesters, 90 weeks)

Standardize Knowledge
- Mastering knowledge and understanding the operating models of various forms of mass media (print newspapers, online newspapers, radio, television, etc.);
- Having a solid understanding of the production process, production management skills, business, marketing, and advertising of media products;
- Having a strong foundational knowledge of information technology, creative graphic design, image-audio-video processing, and online communication techniques;
- Applying knowledge and skills to develop ideas and implement plans for organizing events, conferences, advertising, and marketing of media products…
Standardize Skills
- Skills in development and problem-solving
- Analyzing, synthesizing, and processing information quickly
- Writing, presenting, and creatively generating media content
- Photography, videography, and designing, producing media content
- Effective use of English in communication for media purposes

View the content of the training program in the field of media technology
Registration Methods:
Submit in person Or Submit application via postal mail:
Admissions and Enterprise Cooperation Department of the Ho Chi Minh City College of Information and Communication Technology
Innovation Building, Lot 24, Quang Trung Software Park, District 12, Ho Chi Minh City.
Contact information
- Trưởng phòng: ThS. Trần Công Bình
- Phó trưởng phòng: Trần Thị Ngọc Ánh
- Văn phòng: Phòng Đào Tạo - Công Tác Học Sinh, Toà nhà Innovation, Lô 24, Công viên phần mềm Quang Trung, Quận 12, Tp. Hồ Chí Minh
- Hotline: (028) 38911548
- Email:
- Trưởng phòng: Trần Trung Hậu
- Chuyên viên tư vấn: Ngô Thị Ngọc Linh, Nguyễn Anh Thư
- Văn phòng: Phòng Tuyển Sinh - Hợp Tác Doanh Nghiệp, Toà nhà Innovation, Lô 24, Công viên phần mềm Quang Trung, Quận 12, Tp. Hồ Chí Minh
- Hotline: (028) 38911548
- Phone: 0913.971.000 - 0964.532.211
- Email:
- Trưởng phòng: Trần Minh Tuấn
- Phó trưởng phòng: Nguyễn Mai Trúc
- Văn phòng: Phòng Tổ Chức - Hành Chính - Quản Trị, Toà nhà Innovation, Lô 24, Công viên phần mềm Quang Trung, Quận 12, Tp. Hồ Chí Minh
- Hotline: (028) 38911546
- Email:
Chương trình Trung cấp
Chương trình toàn diện giúp hình thành và đẩy mạnh tư duy nghiên cứu ở người học, trang bị các kỹ năng hữu ích để phát triển sự nghiệp tương lai
Chương trình Trung cấp
Chương trình toàn diện giúp hình thành và đẩy mạnh tư duy nghiên cứu ở người học, trang bị các kỹ năng hữu ích để phát triển sự nghiệp tương lai